Telecommuting is now a fact of modern working life. Whether it’s a few days a week or all the time, this way of working can have an impact on the commitment, sense of belonging and consolidation of your team. Here are eleven tips for managers.

1) Look after your image.

Yes, we look good in absorbent cotton, but is it appropriate for your role, your responsibilities and what you want to radiate? You’re the model, the leader. If you let yourself go, others will follow. Some will level down. It’s not about wearing a suit and heels. Without being flabby, it’s possible to have a well-groomed look and hair. This also includes wearing make-up, if that’s your habit at work. Take care of your decor too. Adjust your camera, lighting and tidy up your space.

2) Establish a communication and engagement routine.

  • Decide on a work and meeting schedule that works for everyone.
  • Establish communication times with expected returns.
  • Be sure to let employees know that they can take time off to care for family members.
  • As with your children, it’s reassuring to have regular appointments. It minimizes the effects of this new isolation.
  • Add the agenda. Everyone will be well prepared.

3) Assign a DJ/VJ of the day.

In turn, a team member plays his or her song or presents a video to start the meeting.

4) Do your teleconferences on foot and invite others to do the same

It’s a two-in-one solution that also contributes to the health of all your team members, including your own.

5) Encourage virtual cafés

For example, a virtual café once a week. New bonds will be forged and team cohesion will increase.

6) Allow participants to socialize.

Book the virtual meeting room fifteen minutes early. Those who wish to do so, come along to chat: ask for a need, share a recipe, introduce their pet, with their cup of tea or coffee and favorite treat.

7) Create, revise and work together in real time.

With tools like Google Docs, collaborative working is stimulating and highly effective.

8) Invite team members to teach a lesson.

It could be about using a new techno tool or application, listening to a podcast on a theme related to your quarterly objective, or a quiz to identify the team’s personalities.

9) Organize virtual games.

Draw me a picture, Scrabble, Jeopardy, “I’m going on vacation and I’ll bring my own…” in teams, it’s a great way to end the week. Depending on your employer’s policy, do it at the Friday aperitif.

10) Play bingo, to encourage or minimize behaviors.

Prepare a sheet with 25 elements, such as :

  • I did yoga on my chair.
  • I wore my pajama bottoms for our teleconference.
  • Sent a virtual gift card to the winner.

11) Conclude your meetings by naming a source of pride

It’s exponentially positive. Your employee can get the “pat on the back” that’s so much appreciated in hallway conversations.

In these times of change and adaptation, take care of yourself too. Form a support group with your peers. Log off regularly at set times. You’re important and precious. Patience, kindness and empathy also apply to you.

Are you in a sticky situation? This blog is at your service. Write to me at Your situation may enlighten other readers.

Translated from published March 30, 2020 (c) Julie Blais Comeau

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