Handwritten thank you notes are amongst the most appreciated and valued of social and business manners.

Simply think of the last time you personally received a thank you note and how you felt upon seeing that hand written envelope, in the pile of official correspondence. Chances are that you smiled. Once you finished reading the message of gratitude, you probably placed it well in sight on a board, on your fridge, or on your desk. That thank you note will probably move to a keepsake file. In the future, when you open up that folder of appreciation and reread its’ content, you will feel good all over again.

Thank you notes may be written for a favor, a recommendation, an invitation or a gift, whenever you want to share your thankfulness for a gesture or words. Thank you notes should be written as soon as possible. Yes, sending a thank you note in an email is OK but, a handwritten note is more special and will definitely have more impact. Choose occasion and person appropriate stationery and pen. Always have generic thank you notes on hand. It will help you get that monkey off your back, quickly. Practice on draft paper.

Follow the five steps below. Apply your best handwriting skills.

1.    Greet the giver

“Dear” or simply the “first name” or “title and last name” depending on your relationship and the circumstances.

2.    Express your gratitude

Start with “How” wonderful, delightful or nice or “What” a beautiful, kind or generous or I was honoured…according to your personality and the gift, the service or the wishes.

3.    Name the specifics

Uses, benefits or feelings brought on by what you received.

4.    Make a reference 

to the person and/or the future: write about your relationship with that person, what they mean to you and refer to the possibility for a connection in the near future.

5.    Gratitude and regards

With much gratitude, fondly, cordially, sincerely, best regards or… Use your favorite words of gratitude and personal salutations to close.

You think you may not have the time to send a thank you note by mail? Just think of the time the offerer dedicated to you and to your well being. Also think about the positive broadcasting your thank you note will bring to your recipient. Go, get your pen and note. Just do it!

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